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The advisors must be selected among the 4 recruiting universities, AMU, UAM, SUR and ULB. Co-advisors must be selected among the 10 universities listed on the Partner Universities section (recruiting universities + associated universities).

It is not mandatory to select an advisor from this database; this search tool is meant as an assistance to candidates, but you may contact potential advisors from the four recruiting universities who are not on this list. Please visit the research centers links.

Note that for AMU and ULB, only one contact person per research institute is listed, who will assist you in finding a supervisor that matches your research subject. Use the CIVIS3i contact form to request assistance.

When contacting a potential advisor, CIVIS3i recommends that you present yourself, attach your CV including links to your online academic profiles (which should be updated), indicate what is the reason for your contact, the fellowship programme name (mention it is a Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions COFUND programme) and website, your tentative title and an abstract if you have one ready, and why do you think this researcher is the best fit for your project. Add also what is required from the advisor (eg, contribution to the proposal preparation, typical postdoctoral supervision, duties during the fellowship such as progress reports, etc). You may indicate that if this researcher is currently not available to supervise you, you’d be grateful if she/he could recommended colleagues suitable to supervise your research. Kindly ask for a reply and indicate the maximum reply date ("please kindly reply by XXX"). Please translate the email into the language of the country (eg, French if you are contacting a researcher from AMU) and include also the English text at the end of the message.

Enrico De Smaele

Sapienza Università di Roma - Medicine, Department of Experimental Medicine
Scientific area : Life Sciences (LIF)
Expertise : Cancer and its biological basis,Mechanisms of growth control and cell proliferation,Molecular mechanisms of signal transduction

Bruno Botta

Sapienza Università di Roma - Pharmacy and Medicine
Scientific area : Chemistry (CHE) / Life Sciences (LIF)
Expertise : Cancer and its biological basis,Molecular metabolism Organic chemistry, natural product chemistry, plant secondary metasbolites, isolation of natural products. Synthesis of natural product, synthesis of macrocycles.

Francesca Pitolli

Sapienza Università di Roma - Engineering
Scientific area : Mathematics (MAT) / Information Science and Engineering (ENG)
Expertise : Scientific computing and data processing,Mathematics in Engineering and other Applied Sciences,Numerical analysis and scientific computing Numerical solution of fractional differential problems

Corrado MASCIA

Sapienza Università di Roma - Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, Mathematics Department
Scientific area : Mathematics (MAT)
Expertise : Partial Differential Equations,Ordinary Differential Equations and,Mathematical aspects of Biology

Emilio N.M. Cirillo

Sapienza Università di Roma - Civil and Industrial Engineering
Scientific area : Mathematics (MAT) / Physics (PHY)
Expertise : Mathematics in Engineering and other Applied Sciences,Mathematical aspects of Physics,Statistical mechanics (condensed matter)

Enzo Orsingher

Sapienza Università di Roma - Statistical sciences
Scientific area : Mathematics (MAT)
Expertise : Probability,Mathematical aspects of Physics Stochastic processes related to fractional equations, functionals of Brownian motion, random motions at finite velocity

Patrizio Dimitri

Sapienza Università di Roma
Scientific area : Life Sciences (LIF)
Expertise : Epigenetics and gene regulation,Genetic and genomic variation and related disorders,Genomics and functional genomics,Chromosome structure organisation and dynamics,Molecular genetics,reverse genetics and RNAi

Francesco Michelotti

Sapienza Università di Roma - Civil and Industrial Engineering - Dept. Basic and Applied Sciences for Engineering
Scientific area : Physics (PHY) / Life Sciences (LIF)
Expertise : Biophysics (e.g. transport mechanisms,bioenergetics,fluorescence),Medical engineering and technology,Laser physics,Optical physics,Interferometry,Photonics,Films and Interfaces,Nanophysics: nanoelectronics,nanophotonics,nanomagnetism,nanoelectromechanics,etc.,Biophysics and biophysical techniques,Laser applications,Nanotechnology: nanomaterials,tools and techniques,applications of nanotechnology,Optical engineering,Optoelectronics,Photonics applications,Plasmonics,Quantum electronics

Professor Elena De Falco

Sapienza Università di Roma - Pharmacy and Medicine
Scientific area : Life Sciences (LIF)
Expertise : Stem cells and cellular programming,Gene therapy,cell therapy,regenerative medicine,Tissue regeneration and engineering platelet lysate


Sapienza Università di Roma - Medicine and Dentistry
Scientific area : Life Sciences (LIF)
Expertise : Ocological Surgery