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The advisors must be selected among the 4 recruiting universities, AMU, UAM, SUR and ULB. Co-advisors must be selected among the 10 universities listed on the Partner Universities section (recruiting universities + associated universities).

It is not mandatory to select an advisor from this database; this search tool is meant as an assistance to candidates, but you may contact potential advisors from the four recruiting universities who are not on this list. Please visit the research centers links.

Note that for AMU and ULB, only one contact person per research institute is listed, who will assist you in finding a supervisor that matches your research subject. Use the CIVIS3i contact form to request assistance.

When contacting a potential advisor, CIVIS3i recommends that you present yourself, attach your CV including links to your online academic profiles (which should be updated), indicate what is the reason for your contact, the fellowship programme name (mention it is a Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions COFUND programme) and website, your tentative title and an abstract if you have one ready, and why do you think this researcher is the best fit for your project. Add also what is required from the advisor (eg, contribution to the proposal preparation, typical postdoctoral supervision, duties during the fellowship such as progress reports, etc). You may indicate that if this researcher is currently not available to supervise you, you’d be grateful if she/he could recommended colleagues suitable to supervise your research. Kindly ask for a reply and indicate the maximum reply date ("please kindly reply by XXX"). Please translate the email into the language of the country (eg, French if you are contacting a researcher from AMU) and include also the English text at the end of the message.

Juan José Nogueira Pérez

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid - Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry
Scientific area : Chemistry (CHE)
Expertise : Theoretical and computational chemistry, Molecular dynamics, Quantum chemistry, Photochemistry, Physical chemistry of biological systems, Biological chemistry, biochemistry, Targeted drug delivery/discovery

Ignacio CASUSO

Aix-Marseille University - INSERM - Biological Atomic Force Microscopy - UMR1067
Scientific area : Life Sciences (LIF) / Chemistry (CHE) / Physics (PHY)
Expertise : Molecular architecture and structure, Targeted drug delivery/discovery, Microscopy; Molecular interactions, Structural biology (e.g. crystallography, EM, NMR, PET), Biophysics (e.g. transport mechanisms, bioenergetics, fluorescence); Mesoscopic physics, Nanotechnology: nanomaterials, tools and techniques, applications of nanotechnology, Biophysics and biophysical techniques; Atomic Force Microscopy; Cell Membrane; Protein-Protein Interactions


Aix-Marseille University - SESSTIM - Economic and Social Sciences of Health and Medical Information Processing
Scientific area : Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC) / Economic Sciences (ECO) / Environmental and Geosciences (ENV) / Information Science and Engineering (ENG) / Life Sciences (LIF)
Expertise : Inequalities, discrimination, prejudice, aggression and violence, antisocial behaviour,Applied research econometrics, Health economics,Bioinformatics, e-Health, medical informatics, Artificial intelligence, intelligent systems, multi agent systems, Machine learning, data mining, statistical data processing and applications,Environmental determinants of health,Biostatistics, Public health and epidemiology, health literacy, Community-based participatory research, harm and risk reduction

LE DIZES Stephane

Aix-Marseille University - Non-equilibrium phenomena research institute, IRPHE, UMR 7342
Scientific area : Physics (PHY) / Information Science and Engineering (ENG) / Environmental and Geosciences (ENV)
Expertise : Simulation engineering and modelling, Aerospace engineering, Fluid mechanics, hydraulic-, turbo-, and piston engines, Energy collection, conversion and storage, renewable energy, Maritime engineering, Numerical analysis, simulation, optimisation, modelling tools, Scientific computing and data processing,Geology, tectonics, volcanology, physics of earths interior, seismology, Meteorology, atmospheric physics and dynamics, Oceanography, marine science, coastal engineering, Applied biotechnology (non-medical), bioreactors, applied microbiology, BiomimeticsFluid dynamics, Complex systems, Networks, Films and Interfaces, Statistical mechanics (condensed matter), Astrophysical jets, accretion phenomena, Geophysics


Aix-Marseille University - Risks, ECO-systems, Vulnerability, Environment, Resilience - Recover, UMR 1467,INRAE-AMU
Scientific area : Environmental and Geosciences (ENV)
Expertise : Systems evolution, biological adaptation, phylogenetics, systematics eco-genomic interactions

Anne Alexandre

Aix-Marseille University - CEREGE (Centre Européen de Recherche et d'Enseignement en Géosciences de l'Environnement)
Scientific area : Environmental and Geosciences (ENV)
Expertise : Waste treatment, Clean technologies, circular economy, life, Environmental regulations, climate, cycle assessment, Environmental risk assessment, monitoring, Social and industrial ecology, sustainable development, Waste, by-products and residue management (including from agriculture), Biogeochemistry, biogeochemical cycles, Clean exploration and exploitation of natural resources, Climatology and climate change, Earth observations from space/remote sensing, Environmental chemistry, environmental forensics, Geochemistry, crystal chemistry, isotope geochemistry, Geology, tectonics, volcanology, physics of earths interior, seismology, Hydrology, water management, Mineralogy, petrology, igneous petrology, metamorphic petrology, Natural hazards, Paleoclimatology, paleoecology, Physical geography, Pollution (water, soil, sediment), rehabilitation and reconstruction of polluted areas, clean technologies, Sedimentology, soil science, palaeontology, Soil biology, soil functionality, soil management cosmogenic nuclides, geophysics, meteoritics


Aix-Marseille University - ESPACE (Laboratory for the Study of Structures, Adaptation Processes
and Changes in Space), UMR 7300
Scientific area : Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC) / Environmental and Geosciences (ENV)
Expertise : Human geography, Environmental psychology, Environmental sociology, Human-
Environment interactions, Territorial dynamics, Urbanisation, Land use and Land cover change,
Recreationnal activities, Environmental public policies, Spatial planning, Coastal management,
City-Sea interactions, Risk perception, Social representations, Adaptation to climate change
associated risks, Geomatics, Quantitative geography, Spatial analysis, Cartography

Pascal Taranto

Aix-Marseille University - Center Gilles Gaston Granger, CGGG, Philosophy and Comparative Epistemology, UMR7304
Scientific area : Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC) / Environmental and Geosciences (ENV)
Expertise : Epistemology, interdisciplinarity, history of philosophy


Aix-Marseille University - Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography, MIO
Scientific area : Environmental and Geosciences (ENV)
Expertise : Oceanography, marine science, coastal engineering,Biogeochemistry, biogeochemical cycles,Environmental chemistry, environmental forensics,Pollution (water, soil, sediment), rehabilitation and reconstruction of polluted areas, clean technologies,Biodiversity, conservation biology,Environmental, marine and freshwater biology,Geochemistry, crystal chemistry, isotope geochemistry,Environmental biotechnology, bioremediation, biodegradation,Aquaculture, fisheries,Population biology, population dynamics, population genetics, Physical oceanography , Oceanography including physical oceanography, marine biology, biodiversity, marine chemistry, modeling

Anne Mailloux, directrice

Aix-Marseille University - LA3M Laboratoire d'Archéologie médiévale et moderne en Méditerranée - UMR 7298
Scientific area : Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC) / Environmental and Geosciences (ENV)
Expertise : Kinship, cultural dimensions of classification and cognition, identity, Myth, ritual, symbolic representations, religious studies, Qualitative methods, ethnography, case studies, Rural population, agriculture, innovation, depopulation, Urban sociology, urban theory, urban studies, global cities, territorialisation, Human, economic and social geography, Regional and territorial politics, Cultural memory, intangible cultural heritage, Cultural studies, cultural diversity, History of art and architecture, arts-based research, History of art criticism, History of books, codicology, History of collections, Library and archival science, Librarianship, Museums and exhibitions, conservation and restoration, Medieval literature, Textual philology, palaeography and epigraphy, Classical archaeology and art, history of archaeology, Cultural heritage, cultural memory, Cultural history, History of collective identities and memories, Early and modern archaeology, General archaeology, archaeometry, landscape archaeology, Historiography, theory and methods in history, including the analysis of digital data, History of ideas, intellectual history, history of science, techniques and technologies, Industrial archaeology, Medieval history, Military history, Modern and contemporary archaeology, Numismatics, epigraphy, Social, economic, cultural and political history